stock_gold137 FMX | - (Reported 5/25/2011)

Doug Kass on  Intellectual Capital,Journalistic Integrity, and Gold Options

The Partners at FMX |Connect will be releasing a special editorial in a few minutes regarding Doug Kass’ recent “discovery” on finding a buyer of the Gold 1600 calls in recent months. The man is a story teller whose predictions lose people money continuously. And he gets paid to shill this tripe by “reputable” business networks. And were pretty sure he stole our content. Our lawyers will advise. But generally speaking, we think what he did it is deplorable on two counts

1- There is a minimal chance he generated any of this research or the idea itself internally, as he has represented.

2- The work is a hack job and misleads investors.

The Doug Kass way on Making money: Or How I Discovered the Gold $1600 call

1. Steal an idea or data point that hasn’t been beaten to death I nthe MSM. Contrarian or controversial is best- the gold $1600 call is being bought.

2. Wrap it with a conspiratorial or controversial tone- it is a single buyer, and that buyer is a foreigner or worse, an evil foreigner.

3. Fabricate a catalyst to make the buyer even more connected or smarter- QE2 is ending… he might be expecting ….QE3.

4. Get paid for your half assed analysis by CNBC, The Street.Com and your unsuspecting investors who buy the story and then get left holding the bag.

While we clean up our own editorial enjoy some of his recent predictions:

Dec, 2010: Gold will Fall in 2011

Feb, 2011: John Paulson is Neutral on gold

Late 2009: The Dow will fall



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