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Tools: News & Research


Cameron Hanover Market Recaps

Daily market commentary with energy prices, a daily technical chat and the latest DOE numbers/expectations from renowned analyst Peter Beutel. Preview link

Energy Analytics FMX Energy Dailies

These recaps of previous day's activity combine professional market analysis by Peter Beutel with charts, news and vols for professional brokers and traders who have little time to spare. FMX Oil & Products, and FMX Nat Gas are published daily prior to the market open with previous day analysis. Read more: Oil and Products Daily.

Industry News Commodity and Capital Markets

FMX analytics and relevant news reports from respected publications. Dedicated sections for energy, metals, grains and exchanges.

Real Time News FMX Newswire Alerts

Streaming releases of important Gov't Data, FMX Analysis alerts, Cash Market Data. Includes EIA releases in real time.

Overnight Activity FMX Pre-open Reports

These reports are mandatory reading for pre-open analysis, with recaps of overnight activity in the Energy, Metals, and Grains markets: a brief analysis, price activity, and news headlines from Platts, Bentek, Bloomberg and other sources from the Asian and European trading hours. Comes out daily pre open. PDA accessible. Read more here.

Capital Markets Exchange Newswire

ER Desk's daily synopsis of the previous days' significant events in the Exchange and Capital Markets Industries, covering Trading Venues, Asset Managers, Brokers and technology firms. This report is also published on Goldman Sach's Redi News Terminal for their clients. It is read in over 11 countries by the largest hedge fund firms. Read more: ERnews.

Exchange Volumes Exchange Tracker

This weekly report by ER Desk tracks exchange volumes on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis. This data is crucial in predicting earnings for these firms. It assesses market share for competing venues like ICE and CME, as well as NYX, BVSPA and other global bourses Read more: Weekly Volume Tracker.

Earnings Analysis ER Desk Alerts

In addition to our commodity analysis, we follow the Exchange Industry and related businesses. These reports for the capital markets industry alert investors of pending earnings calls and reports. They also list the Wall Street consensus estimates as well as ER Desk's analysis.